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Economics/Finance Team

The Economics and Finance Research group provides a unique platform for undergraduate analysis of economic and business topics with a global outlook. Covering everything from global market trends to international trade diplomacy, our research group aims to encompass a broad range of topics relevant to political economy and financial markets. Whether you’re looking for a pre-professional forum to heighten your financial acumen or a channel to explore macroeconomic country trends, this group offers a stage for a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research interests. 

Research Questions 

  • Are we heading towards a global financial crisis? How can policymakers and central banks effectively prepare for and address a potential global recession?

  • How is fiscal and monetary policy changing to adapt to inflation rates, global conflicts and sustainable energy goals?

  • How are fintech innovations like AI, blockchain and digital currencies reshaping traditional banking models and challenging established financial institutions?

  • What is the current market outlook for X country/region, and what are the relevant economic and political trends that are impacting it?


  • Political Economy

  • Monetary Policy 

  • International Trade 

  • Fintech 

  • Financial Markets 

  • Economic Inequality 

  • Sustainable economy/Green Finance 

  • Developmental Economics